Related reading:
Why the Existence of a Homonym causes Usurpation from the USA
Why I have parted from Western Europe after establishing for three Decades
The Causes for the proximous and rapid Decay of
the Unipolar World ************************************************************************* Tin sa se comunice faptul
ca după reîntoarcerea in Romania interesele mele profesionale actuale
privesc cercetarea fundamentala și aplicată în matematică și
informatică in special in conjuncție cu stabilirea de contacte si
cooperări cu Republica Moldova si cu așa-numita lume multipolara condusa actualmente
de B.R.I.C.S. (Brazilia, Rusia, India, China si Africa de Sud) care este pe
cale sa creeze instituții si organizații internaționale care
sa le concureze si eventual substituie pe cele obsolete instaurate după
al doilea război mondial de așa-numita lume unipolara condusa de SUA, căreia îi sunt subordonați
Europenii de Vest (Anglia, Franța si Germania), si care este dependenta
de resursele umane si materiale ale Orientului Apropiat (Turcia, Israelul si
Arabia), spațiu de interese care este actualmente dinamic saturat si
intrat intr-un proces de revizuire si decadenta, deoarece guvernat de o
logica interna si externa bazata pe atac, agresiune si violenta. Spre deosebire de tarile din grupul Visegrad (Polonia, Ungaria) care in
mod tradițional au beneficiat de o relație privilegiata cu Occidentul,
Romania si Moldova au fost întotdeauna doar un teren de joc pentru variatele
strategii prin care s-a încercat o extindere din aceasta direcție,
fiecare dintre aceste doctrine (actualmente UE si OTAN) pretinzând inițial
a fi mai bine adaptata epocii care i-a dat naștere dar in final
dovedindu-se a fi doar mai inselatoare decât precedentele. Link-urile de la începutul paginii conțin explicații
particulare dar tipice pentru evoluția descrisa mai jos. ************************************************************************* After more than 30 (thirty) years of emigration to
the Stuttgart Area in (Southern) Germany and the Paris Area in (Northern)
France where I preoccupied my mind with the most abstract and modern fields
of thought and activity such as Mathematics, Logics, Computer Science (CS)
and Information Technology (IT), I returned to my place of genetical and
educational origin, Bucharest in Romania, with a manifest distrust and
abjection toward the very founding
principles of the so-called Unipolar
World (which includes the Occident or, more recently, the Transatlantics)
and the resolute conviction of the strategic superiority of the Human and
Geographic Space of Old Christians (primarily Orthodox in Cyprus, Greece,
Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine and Russia as well as Eastern
Christians such as Georgian, Armenian, Syrian, Aramaic, Coptic, …) as a
strong balance that separates the former space from the so-called Multipolar World (which includes the
Orient or, more recently, Eurasia), with which I intend to establish Research
and Development (R&D) contacts and cooperations in Mathematics and
Informatics. The Multipolar
World led by BRICS (Brazil, Russia, China, India, South-Africa) is about
to create new institutions and organizations that are presently challenging and
eventually shall substitute the obsolete ones founded after World War II by
the Unipolar World, led by the
USA, to which the Western-Europeans (UK, France, Germany) are allied, and
which extends into the Close Orient (Arabia, Turkey and Israel) and the
Visegrad-Line of countries (Poland, Hungary), the latter traditiona1ly
enjoying a privileged relationship with the Occident, while Romania and Moldova
have, under various doctrines, always been just a playfield for the western extension
designs, each such ambition pretending to be better founded, but finally
proving to be just more deceptive than the previous ones. The numerous
crisis presently shaking the Unipolar
World, testify and expose its ever more visibly dissimulated projection
efforts of embellished and wishful own value, image, power over, and control
of its exterior (and interior), that desperately and aggressively try to hide
its proximous decay within the expected New
World Order emergent during the first decades of the 21st
century. The Multipolar World, in particular China
and India each as a united and gigantic population, is growing in stature at
an impressive rate and exerts an ever increasing pressure onto the Unipolar
World, which shall completely lose its conditioning abilities and
aptitudes onto Asia at the latest in about 2030, thus irreversibly inverting the
past power balance between these two Worlds. Because of the
recurrently compulsive and dominational stance of the Old Unipolar World, the Space of Old Christians mentioned above is trading its own cooperation
at ever higher material and procedural cost to the former, while irreversibly
turning toward trade and cooperation with the more equalitarian and comprehensive
New Multipolar World, The latter
attitude is precisely that which I wish Romania to adopt, namely that of a
self-confident, strong and origin-centered balance between the decaying Unipolar World and the emergent Multipolar World, while cooperating
ever more intensely with the BRICS as well as with all other countries
outside G20 as an alternative to the USA and the UK (that presently determine
Transatlantic and NATO policies) to France and Germany (that presently
determine European and EU policies), and to Arabia, Turkey and Israel (onto
which Unipolar material and human resource policies presently depend). In
order to assert this position Romania has to become more independent and origin-centered
and invest in (civil and military) projects and innovations of its own
design, that are founded and supported by national policies financed in
accordance with the strategic trade and cooperation emphasis shift briefly argumented
above. Further Reading: China Becoming Center of Global Financial Activity Eurasia's Integration - North-South Corridor May Soon
Replace Suez Canal The Ultimate 21st Century Choice - OBOR or
War |
June 2017 |