Scientific Publications
& Communications about Mathematics & Informatics KEYWORDS: syntax/semantics of processes & transactions, denotational and structural operational semantics,
full abstraction, computation & communication,
serialization & concurrency, true concurrency, resource, consumption, recycling,
quantification, pomset, matrices & graphs. Publications (abstracts, introductions), CSAuthors, ResearchGate, LinkedIn, DBLP, PhDTree 10. Dan Teodosiu: Fully Abstract Process Modelling over
Recyclable Resources. Published on Research Gate, March 2016. (57 pages, full version of 9) 9.
Dan Teodosiu: A
Truly Concurrent Process Calculus over Recyclable Resources. Published on Research Gate, March 2016. (15 pages, extended abstract of 10) Theoretical Computer Science
(TCS), Elsevier, March 2012. (submitted) Published on Research Gate, January 2016. (50 pages, full version of 7) 7.
Dan Teodosiu:
A Truly Concurrent Process Semantics over Multi-Pomsets
of Consumable Resources. 28th Conf. on the
Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS
XXVIII), Bath (UK), June 2012. (30 slides) Electronic
Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) 286, pages 307-321, Elsevier, September 2012. (16 pages, extended
abstract of 8)
6. Dan Teodosiu: A Truly Concurrent Semantics for Processes
sharing Quantified Resources. Ph.D. Thesis No.
2012PA077019, Department of Computer Science, University Paris 7, March 2012. (Mathematics Genealogy Project,,,, 43 slides, 120 pages) 5. Dan Teodosiu, Paul Gastin: Resource
Traces: A Domain for Processes sharing Exclusive Resources. 12th
Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics (MFPS
XII), Boulder (USA), June 1996. Theoretical
Computer Science (TCS) 278, pages 195-221, Elsevier, May 2002. (25 pages) 4. Volker
Diekert, Dan Teodosiu
(editors): 3. Theorietag Automaten und formale Sprachen. (in
German) Schloss Dagstuhl
(BRD), Oktober 1993, Institut für Informatik (IfI),
Universität Stuttgart, Bericht 1/1994. (70 pages) 3. Dan
Teodosiu: Domain-theoretical Properties of Complex
Traces. (in German) Master Thesis No. 1025, Institut für Informatik (IfI),
Universität Stuttgart, August 1993. (36 pages) 2. Dan Teodosiu: A Conjugate-Gradient-Solver for
Finite-Element-Simulations. (in German) Software Praktikum, Institut
für Informatik (IfI), Universität Stuttgart, März
1991. (95 pages) 1.
Dan Teodosiu:
The Shannon-Effect and the Asymptotics of
Complexity Measures.
German) Hauptseminararbeit, Institut
für Informatik (IfI), Universität Stuttgart, Juli
1989. (22 pages)
10.13140/RG.2.1.1233.3203 10. Trace Semantics for True Concurrency, P.-L. Curien seminar, PPS, Univ.
Paris 7, 2010. 9. Subdirect Products of Trace Monoids, C. Choffrut seminar, LIAFA, Univ. Paris
7, 1998. 8. Algebra
and Topology
of Resource Traces, M. Droste seminar, IfA, Univ. Dresden, 1998. 7. The
Ordered Monoid of Resource Traces, V. Diekert
seminar, IfI, Univ. Stuttgart, 1996. 6. Domain
Properties of Delta Traces, V. Diekert seminar, IfI, Univ. Stuttgart, 1995. 5. Domain Properties of Complex
Traces, V. Diekert seminar, IfI,
Univ. Stuttgart, 1993. 4. Order
Sorted Algebra and Rewriting, V. Diekert seminar, IfI, Univ. Stuttgart, 1992. 3. Asymptotics of Complexity Measures, J. Köbler seminar, IfI, Univ. Stuttgart, 1989. 2. Graph
Polynomials, K. W. Roggenkamp seminar,
Math. Inst., Univ. Stuttgart, 1987. 1. Action
Orbits and Stabilizers, K. W. Roggenkamp seminar, Math. Inst., Univ.
Stuttgart, 1985. |