Related reading:
The Causes for the proximous and rapid Decay of the Unipolar World
Why I have parted from Western Europe after establishing for three Decades
Why the Existence of Homonyms causes Usurpation from
the USA ************************************************************************************** Rezumat Țin
a analiza in cele prezentate mai jos o coincidenta
periculoasa în ceea-ce mă privește, care in trecut a dat
explicit loc la nocive confuzii de
persoane, precum si implicit la multiple forme de uzurpare, datorate existentei paralele a unui omonim, adică o persoana pe nume
tot Dan TEODOSIU, născut cu trei ani după mine tot la București
însa pitic si handicapat motoric,
care a urmat ca si mine tot Școala Germana din București, apoi a
studiat tot la Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare a Universității
(Institutului) Politehnic(e) București, emigrând tot in Europa de Vest
(in 1992) ca si mine in prealabil (in 1984), si a lucrat in Occident tot la
un Master si la un Doctorat in Informatica (in SUA, ambele la Mendel
ROSENBLUM) ca si mine (însa in Europa de Vest, la
Volker DIEKERT in Germania si Paul GASTIN in Franța), o coincidenta de
parcurs ieșita din comun despre care eu nu am știut nimic pana in
1996 când m-am întâlnit cu acest omonim la Paris la inițiativa sa. In
prezent aceasta persoana conduce in Franța o firma multinaționala
de profil american numita CriTeo, care in mod regretabil este specializata, in
monitorizarea (cu scopul spionării),
modelizarea (cu scopul simulării)
si ghidarea (cu scopul adictionarii) comportamentului utilizatorilor de calculatore personale, ca însăși serviciul de comercializare prin profilare si
promovare oferit clienților săi internaționali, la rândul
lor dependenți de plasarea propriilor produse in acest mod agresiv in
scopul creșterii propriei marje de profit in concurenta eliminatorie
care guvernează actualmente piața occidentala de tehnologii informaționale.
comparația directa a persoanei mele cu cea a omonimului, care a avut un parcurs profesional a cărui
orientare a devenit egocentrista si
belicoasa in raport cu educația elitista si curata de care a
beneficiat ca si mine in Romania, spre
deosebire de orientarea mea care a fost întotdeauna universalista si
echilibrata, am redactat si inclus pe lângă comentarii generale cate un
CV pentru mine si omonim, împreuna cu o tabela care conține criterii de
clasificare intre mine si omonim, care cred ca ar trebui discutate si
difuzate de către cei surprinși de coincidente sau interesați
de acest fenomen de asemănare si distingere, cu rugămintea de a-mi
comunica datele care lipsesc. Link-urile de la
începutul paginii conțin posibile efecte negative generale si specifice
corelate de circumstanțele descrise mai jos. ************************************************************************************** I
will start with the simple but dangerous
coincidence concerning my own person caused by the odd, awkward and
astounding parallel existence of a
person bearing the same fore- and surname ‘Dan TEODOSIU’, which I shall call
a homonym, person which is born
about three years after myself and of whose lineage, existence and life I
astonishingly knew absolutely nothing, and inadequately cared even less
about, up to my advanced age of 32 years, 1. born
in the same town ‘BUCHAREST’ as myself, 2. attending
for 12 long years the same “German School” in BUCHAREST as I had previously
done, 3. developing
some of my professional interests by starting to study at the same faculty ‘Automatics and Computers’ of
the ‘Polytechnical University BUCHAREST’ as myself, 4. obtaining
in the USA a ‘Ph.D in Information Technology (IT)’
in 2000 working under the supervision of Prof. Mendel ROSENBLUM,
Stanford University, pretending to
belong to a mathematics genealogy, as misleadingly reflected by the ‘Mathematics Genealogy Project’
(MGP), while my own French ‘Ph.D in Computer
Science (CS)’ defended in 2012 at Paris 7/Diderot University before a jury
presided by Pierre-Louis
CURIEN, Directeur de Recherche at CNRS, indeed is part
of both mathematics and logics, as later on reflected by MGP, after
myself partly correcting this form of usurpation, 5. and
finally, living in the same “17e Arrondissement de PARIS” some
years later than myself and inhabiting an apartment proximous
to the well-known “Gare Saint-Lazare”
as myself, to
name but a few of the strikingly
extreme similarities, conspicuously induced in this person’s biographical
path from my own, while being both ‘guided by the invisible hand’ (as Adam
Smith describes the societal benefit from the pursuit of personal happiness),
that therefore seems to be responsible for this circumstance. After
finishing my Master in Mathematics and my Master in Computer Science at
Stuttgart/Germany in 1993 under the supervision of Prof. Volker DIEKERT, I
pursued a PhD thesis in Theoretical Computer Science in Paris/France under
the supervision of Prof. Paul GASTIN,
in parallel with a path of public research in the EU-coordinated
State-financed Computer-Science (CS) being employed by the French Ministry of
Education and Research, the University Paris 6/7-Curie/Diderot in financially
ever more insufficiently supported higher scientifically-oriented positions and in the US-Styled French
Automotive Industry. I have specialized ever more in the public or open
Research & Development of universal interest, developing ever more abstract concurrent process semantics
used to the purpose of describing the evolution and behaviour of real
systems. My preoccupations turn around the design and specification of small distributed logical machines
that allow treating ever more complex behaviour, ever more elegantly, with
ever less signs and rules, time and space, that liberate humans from logical
dependencies, deficiencies, and traps. Therefore, this activity can be
understood to embody a classical
angelic view in modern form, which develops a balanced and idealistic platonic programme endeavouring to
disseminate open-source knowledge of high positive value to others. After
finishing his Master in Computer Science in 1996 and his PhD in Information
Technology in 2000 at Stanford/USA under the supervision of Prof. Mendel
ROSENBLUM, the homonym pursued a career of private development in the USA-led
Industry-financed Information-Technology (IT) being employed by HP, Microsoft
and Google in ever higher technologically-oriented
positions and in the US-styled French IT-industry being employed in the
Paris-Area by the French start-up VirtuOz as CTO
and the French multinational CriTeo as CEO. He
specialized ever more in closed or private Research & Development for the
promotion (commercialization) of services for international clients by automatic end user profiling, that
are based on monitoring (spying), modelling (simulating) and guiding
(addicting) the user’s (consumer’s) behaviour to the profit of the clients
(producers). His preoccupation turn around designing
and implementing big distributed
logical machines that run on ever larger and distributed server-farms,
which treat ever more rapidly, ever larger masses of behavioural data in ever
less tics and seconds, bytes and words, that
chain humans into logical dependencies, deficiencies, and traps.
Therefore, this activity can be understood to embody a classical demonic view in modern form, which
develops a realistic and tyrannical darwinistic programme endeavouring to collect
closed-source information of high negative effectiveness onto others. I
venture to state the general remark that along my life-path I have been
striving to involve and make use of the interface to private interests to the
measure of it being necessary in order to
further the dissemination of universal/public interests, services and views,
which represent the basis of my/our existence, adopting an ever more ethic,
moral, angelic, and deontological attitude, while for the homonym the reverse
is valid, namely, that along his life-path he has been striving to involve
and make use of the interface to public interests to the measure of it being
necessary in order to promote the
commercialization of own/private interests, services and views, which
represent the basis of his/their existence, adopting an ever more unethical,
immoral, demonic and unscrupulous attitude. As
a tentative explanation of the differing life-psychology between myself and
the homonym, I suspect that contrary to him I have been confronted already as
a young man with circumstances of complex and played psychological character
such as my arranged retention for 2 weeks in the psychiatric hospital in
Bucharest for a depression simulated by me in order to be absolved from the
military service and start my university studies without delay. At that
occasion I have learned that one can enter and get involved into a particular
psychological state, enact a role determined by this condition in a manner
much resembling the play of an actor on a scene or in a movie, and then get disinvolved and exit the psychological state. Ever since,
I have developed an interest in displayed
(authentic, genuine) and played
(pretended, fake) psychology as it is identifiable in the behaviour of
humans including myself, interest that lead to a sense of responsibility
toward those displaying psychological affections and
segregated from society to their own damage by defenceless honesty, and a
rejection toward those playing psychological traits and eager to
penetrate the society to their own benefit by aggressive dishonesty. The
explicit concurrency and implicit competition of the homonym’s egocentric,
self-interested and particular global view evolving in parallel with my own
altruistic, balanced and universal world-view has
caused over time numerous inter-correlations and side-effects, which I have
decided to record and analyse below because of the private and public interest that the phenomenon might generate. For the sake of
further comparisons and conclusions one can read the LinkedIn pages of myself and
the homonym.
Furthermore, one can compare my CV with
the CV of the homonym, which
I have taken the time to write in Romanian, as well as the following table of facts expressed in Romanian
concerning myself and the homonym, facts presented according to classification criteria that allow
drawing conclusions as to existing or induced similarities and dissimilarities. Criterii de clasificare a relației (X,X‘) intre genuinul X si
omonimul X’
the initiative of the homonym I accepted in 1996 to meet
in a Parisian café near the Notre Dame Cathedral in order to make
acquaintance. On this occasion I was struck by one particular
idea of the homonym, namely his earnest proposal that we both should
join our lists of publications in order for each one to have more published
articles and conference appearances. He was manifestly not conscious that
this proposal amounted to a grave form of imposture toward thirds, to say nothing about the fact that I
personally would not be willing to sign for contributions of thirds which I
have not had the occasion to analyse and modify, and that I therefore would
never accept such a mixture of
conception and even personality. One
of the disturbing consequences of the above circumstances that I observed
over time is for instance the eventual
mixing of our identities in public and private reference collections,
containing pointers to both, my own contributions and those pretended by the
above homonym and his co-authors. For
example, in the well-known publicly supported ’Computer
Science Bibliography Database’ DBLP, the initially confusing or even misleading unique
reference page to my name was split, only after my explicit request, into two
separate pages, one
page for myself, containing my articles published after year 2K about
fully abstract semantics for concurrent processes languages, domain which is
indeed intimate part of Computer Science (CS), and one page for the
homonym, containing his articles, all published before year 2K, and
co-authored by his colleagues and his PhD thesis supervisor, which indeed
have something to do with Information Technology (IT) but otherwise little to
do with Computer Science (CS) per se (which DBLP pretends to index) – a more
subtle imposture of substituting science by technology, and therefore
an even more dangerous one nowadays, precisely because of this attribute. On the other hand the Microsoft corporation privately developing the Microsoft
Academic Search engine seems to be unable or unwilling to properly handle
the bibliography of persons of equal name, since it did not even reply to my
explicit request of splitting their unique
page to their former employee Dan TEODOSIU, which fraudulently included
my own contributions, and therefore represented a clear form of identity usurpation, into two
different pages, one for their ex-employee and one for myself. Microsoft
simply decided to render the unique page inaccessible to the outside, redirecting
it to the very root of the site Microsoft Academic, which pretends to
interface to a ‘semantic’ search engine, that obviously is incapable or
uninterested in internally implementing and externally offering the minimal
‘semantical’ service of separating the view on persons of equal name but
distinct identity. So much as to how presumptuously notions like ‘semantic’
are misused by the ‘state of the art’ of present Information Technology. To name a third well-known example I
will mention the publicly supported ACM Digital
Library whose unique
page to my name Dan TEODOSIU affiliates this ‘virtual’ person to both the
Université Paris 7 (Diderot), where I myself graduated from, and to the Stanford
University, where the homonym graduated from, recollecting as bibliographic
entries both my own and the homonym’s contributions. Upon my explicit request
to split their unique page into two different pages this site’s
administration decided to leave everything unchanged, thus continuing the
generated confusion of identity
from my point of view. Similarly, the unique
page to my name Dan TEODOSIU at OdySci Academic on one hand affiliates this virtual
person to the Stanford University where the homonym graduated from but on the
other hand also references my publications, thus creating not only a case of
identity mixture and confusion but even worse, one of Intellectual Property (IP) theft. Concerning the usage of the
attribute ‘semantic’ one can also note the case of the site Semantic Scholar, which equally
contains a unique
entry to a ‘virtual’ person ‘Dan TEODOSIU’ mixing my publications with
those of the homonym and therefore represents a clear form of identity usurpation. Nevertheless,
the unique
profile of this ‘virtual’ person, considered to be a semantic scholar,
only refers to the homonym’s professional relations while completely ignoring
my own conceptual lineage. All of the homonym’s publications do not deal with
Computer Science (CS) but deal exclusively with Information Technology (IT),
a field of human activity applying concepts in particular senses that
consistently underrate the general sense of formal concepts defined in
Computer Science, by overstressing applications of these concepts which are
much more particular than the abstractions attached to them, concepts of CS
which are thus lowered, mistreated and misused for as long as they are
considered to be trendy in IT, in itself a grave form of usurpation of general by particular sense. Viewed from this
indeed scholar perspective the homonym, who is not a scholar but an executive
and, moreover, doesn’t endeavour upon the sense but at the best strives for
the application of academic terms, would fit more properly in an engine named
‘Syntactic Executive’ than in an engine named ‘Semantic Scholar’, a remark
that rather accurately describes the lack of insight and scrutiny of the
above site. I will refrain from further
commenting the way corporations like Microsoft,
Google and Yahoo deal with the above mentioned name to
person semantical mapping problem in their so-called ‘semantical’ search
engines but just note that as a response to the simple entry of the words
‘Dan TEODOSIU’, all of them first enumerate references to pages and images of
the homonym and only afterwards to those of my own, while using search
algorithms which implement a link choice ‘semantics’ that has always been a
mystery to the onlookers inspecting their search results. The made for some
time an exception to the above remark. The only notable exceptions to the
above semantic treatment of homonyms that I have encountered on the internet
when querying search engines for my name ‘Dan Teodosiu’, were the Russian
search engine Yandex for some time,
until it rapidly changed the link order entirely to the benefit of the
homonym without any objective reason, the site CS (which not only splits
pages to different persons of equal name but also includes a reference to
their homepage) as well as the Chinese search engine Baidu that returns as the first link a
reference to my
profile page at the site Research Regarding the treatment of my
contributions the most drastic example of Intellectual Property (IP) theft
and usurpation that I have found is the view of the site PhD, site that has the ambition ‘to
document the academic family tree of PhDs worldwide, both past and present’,
its self-declared goal being ‘to build the most comprehensive academic
genealogy Wiki for every discipline’. Nevertheless, to my name ‘Dan Teodosiu’
there is a unique profile
page which is affiliated with the Stanford University curriculum of the
homonym but which enumerates on the
publications tab not only his contributions (all of them published before
year 2000), but also my own contributions (all of which have been published
after year 2000), thus misleading through this form of IP theft to the view
that alumni of the Stanford University are more active and proliferous than
they are de facto when compared to others. The above naturally raises the
reasonable suspicion that the mentioned organisations and corporations
overtly further the interest not only of their sponsors in their semantic
engines and the public search results these disseminate, as recurrently
reported, but also further the interest of their employees and alumni,
thereby distorting the genuine view upon these persons to these ones benefit,
by not taking automatically into account the possibility of confusion,
imposture and usurpation propagated by and through their view and moreover
not correcting it manually when requested to do so despite their
self-proclaimed ‘semantical’ abilities, which thus prove to be unsupported by
either own aptitudes or, even worse, own willingness. All these considerations exhibit a
certain dishonesty and pretentiousness on the part of the Information
Technology (IT) industry, attitudes which are purposely adopted in order to
forge its self-image through ever more intrusive and even aggressive
publicity and show-offs meant to display their abilities, that mostly remain
hidden to insiders like their sponsors and employees but lag much behind the
most modest expectation when applied to the average user of their products. Google
and Facebook in particular misuse
formal attributes like that of ‘semantic’ and formal notions like that of
‘graph’ in order to propagandize their gigantomanic
‘semantic graphs’ called ‘The Google Knowledge Graph’ and ‘The Facebook
Social Graph’, both names being at the same time formal and blown-up in their
senses when one compares the self-castrated
semantic capabilities of their public
interfaces with the self-improving
semantic capabilities of a child’s exteriorizations, which represent - in
order to cast it in the above criticised language - a ‘semantical engine’
that every fertile female can ‘produce’, ‘perfect’ and even ‘market’. The semantics that the IT industry
extracts out of the gigantic data that it collects and that it does not make
available through publicly available interfaces and aps to the measure of the
data’s internal employment, tremendously increase the leverage that the IT
industry develops upon the average human in the world, by building and hiding
ever more refined analytical models of their behaviour, thereby profiling
(spying, simulating and addicting) their past, present and especially future
behaviour. The above
described obsessive commercial profiling of users of most IT products
has nowadays the effect of assailing these by design and marketing strategies
which are ever more informed about the consumer’s behaviour, therefore
representing an ever more dominating ‘Big Brother’ observing and ‘Invisible
Hand’ controlling the average human, whether wilfully or incidentally. The naďve attitude of making data
about personal behaviour accessible to these big private and public entities
(corporations, organizations, institutions, …) only worsens the general state
of affairs and leads to a dangerous observability, controllability and eventual
domination of all human activity in the world by the USA-led IT private and
public interests. The conclusion of the above analysis
is that the present world is in bad need to develop goods and services that
implement tactics and strategies empowering the end user to exert in turn
observability and controllability onto the internal and external behaviour of
these over-sized and -powered private and public entities and thereby enforce
changes of attitude going as far as to institute a reverted control of the
average human in the world onto these entities, thus developing a genuinely
new form of international, global or mondial
awareness and democracy, yet to be theorized and practiced, hopefully already
in the present century. |
June 2017 |