2006-2017: System and Software Consulting, Paris/France &
Bucharest/Romania. Commissioners in Japan: Nippon Steel Corporation (NSC), Advanced
Simulation Technology of Mechanics (ASTOM) Corporation. Study of the
equations of Mathematical Physics (Einstein, Maxwell, Schrödinger, Dirac,
Laplace, Transport, Continuity) in differential, integral, variational and
distributional form and suggesting the design of calculi allowing symbolical
syntactic specification and numerical semantic modelling, in particular also
for the equations of Continuum Mechanics. Study of the systems of partial differential and
algebraic equations which describe the plastic behaviour of cristaline materials, in order to validate the initial
and boundary conditions. Study and
adoption of the usage of super-elements in Finite Element Methods applied to
cylindrically symmetric models in order to significantly reduce the computation
time. Study and recommendation of the additive
symmetric-rotational decomposition method for 3D large rotational
deformations appearing for instance in the fabrication process of car wheel
rims. Recommendations concerning the implementation of vectorisation
and parallelization techniques in Finite Element Methods. 1994-1997
System and Software Development, Chantilly/France. Commisioners
in France: Renault Recherche Innovation,
Peugeot-Citroën and Eurocopter/EADS. Software environment: using and extending the
procedural language and toolboxes of MatLab 4.2 and
4.5 of which several licenses were
accorded by the commissioners, not including a license for the expensive SimuLink functional blocksets. Hardware environment: a self-installed and -configured
dual boot french Windows 95 and french-adapted,
german Suse Linux systems
accessing common data. Paradigms: rapidly understanding and extending an
implemented event programming approach, and subsequently designing and
implementing a suitable object based extension using the present constructs
of the language which was to be thoroughly enriched according to a consistent
object-based approach two years later on. Toolboxes: Signal processing, Optimisation, Splines,
Interpolation, Approximation, 2D & 3D Graphics, Graphical User
Interface. Language usage and extensions: Developing a minimal profiling toolbox,
vectorisation of the essential parts of the project, developing in particular
a Tensor Spline Toolbox from the existing Spline Tolbox. Developing a minimal input/output toolbox that abstaracts the interaction with the user through file and
command line interfaces. Developing a minimal debugging toolbox that allows
to test and set parameters of the functions in the entire call stack up to the
environment level. Developing a minimal toolbox that allows to
interactively label, transform and animate 2D/3D graphics. Participating 1995 in Paris at a MathWorks
presentation by the designers of the existing MATLAB 4.5 language and
toolboxes about the present state and the possible future extensions of the
MATLAB language. Communicating with insistence my own concern about the
necessity and benefit of an object-based or -orientated extension of the
language, suggestions that contributed during the next two years to a
complete overhauling of the language according to this view. Evaluating and testing the ability of the language
to lend itself for developing a toolbox allowing to interactively set and get
the properties of graphical elements and to interactively design graphical
user interfaces. Both concerns were addressed and implemented by the
designers of the language during the next three years. Modelling and Programming: Implementing convex and non-linear optimization extensions for the
numeric evaluation of the characteristics of signals which are recorded by
vibrational surveyance of test-cars. Study of the open and closed source environments and packages
available on the Internet for the simulation of crashes recommending DynaCrash as the one that suits car crash simulations
best. Participating at the mathematical modelisation
of the vibrational dynamics of polyurethane seats in helicopters. 1990
Scientific Software Development, LPMTM, Grenoble University. Solvers for Algebraic Systems of Finite Element
Method (FEM) Simulations. Analysis, implementation, testing, recommendation
and adoption for 2D models of iterative Conjugate Gradient methods for
solving the algebraic systems generated by 2D Finite Element Method (FEM)
simulations. Analysis and recommendation for 3D models of
advanced techniques for exactly solving the sparse or structured linear
systems of equations by exploiting the reduced incidence degree of mesh
elements or the simplicial complex modularity of the mesh of the algebraic
systems generated by 3D Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations. 1987-1991 Hardware
and Software Development, Institute for System Control Engineering (ISW),
Universität Stuttgart. Control of Optical Periphery
by Embedded Microprocessor Prototypes in Industrial Robots. Developing a Turbo-C and Turbo-PASCAL alphanumeric
library on PCs for the movement detection and control of optical periphery
and assembling it for the embedded microprocessor prototype. Evaluating the
benefit of an object-based or -oriented design and of the acquisition of a
C++ native compiler for PCs in order to design more rapidly and use more
flexibly the alphanumeric/graphical library. Designing and developing an I/O library extension
for the C micro-compiler of an embedded microprocessor prototype. Programming a VAX FORTRAN to ANSI FORTRAN 77
cross-complier in order to translate an existing ample library for the
control of a network of industrial robots trough a
DEC workstation. |