Name:             Dr. Dan TEODOSIU

Birth:              1964, Bucharest, Romania

Degrees:          Ph.D. Dipl.-Informatiker Dipl.-Mathematiker

Citizenship:    Romanian, ex-German since 2016, ex-French since 2021

Address:         Strada Washington nr. 23, parter, apartament 1,

                        sector 1, 011793 BUCURESTI, Romania, Europe

Fixed:              +40 (0) two one two 309330 (Orange Romania)

Mobile:            +40 (0) seven six three 035602 (TeleKom Romania)

Email:            (located in Romania)

Net:         (located in Romania)




Financial Investor. Participating at estate and fund investments on capital and credit in Bucharest & Romania.


System and Software Consulting, Paris & Bucharest. Subjects: Advanced techniques for Sparse or Structured Systems of Equations in INTEL/MKL, Advanced vectorization and parallelization using the Finite Element Method library ABAQUS. Commissioners in Japan: ASTOM and NSC.



PhD in Computer Science, summa cum laude, Université Paris 6 & 7 (Curie & Diderot), Laboratoire d’Informatique Algorithmique: Fondements et Applications (LIAFA). Subject: ‘A Truly Concurrent Semantics for Processes sharing Quantified Resources’.


European Financial Investing, Paris & Bucharest. Programming, planning and supervising from France real estate investments on capital and credit in Romania.


Geostrategic Studies, Paris & Bucharest. Developing an overview of the political, historical, economical, financial, psychological and computational implications of the new millennium.


Research and Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Computer Science, Université Paris 7.  Model Checking, Distributed systems, Algorithmics and Architecture of Parallel Systems, Formal Languages, Advanced Algorithmics, C/C++ Programming, Introduction to Computer Science.


System and Software Development, Chantilly. Subjects: Designing and implementing an object based extension for the procedural language MATLAB 4.2 on dual-boot Windows and Linux systems accessing common data and applications, as well as engineering applications interacting through event-driven Graphical User Interfaces and extending the Toolboxes for Signal Processing, Optimization, Splines, Interpolation, Approximation and  2D & 3D Graphics. Commissioners in France: Renault Rechérche Innovation, Peugeot-Citroën and Eurocopter/EADS.


Governmental Researcher employed by the Ministry of Education and Research of the French Government at Laboratoire d’Informatique Théorique et Programmation (LITP), Université Paris 6. Subject: ‘Resource Traces: A Domain for Processes sharing Exclusive Resources’.


Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Computer Science, Universität Stuttgart. Numerics, Algorithmics, Discrete Mathematics.


Master in Computer Science, Universität Stuttgart, summa cum laude, mark 1.3 of 1.0


Master in Mathematics, Universität Stuttgart, summa cum laude with distinction, mark 1.1 of 1.0


Master Thesis in Mathematics and Computer Science, Universität Stuttgart, mark 1.0 of 1.0. Subject:Bereichstheoretische Eigenschaften komplexer Spuren’.


Scientific Software Development, Grenoble University, Laboratoire des Propriétés Mécanique et Thermodynamiques des Matériaux (LPMTM). Subject: Optimizing Gradient Method Solvers for FEM Simulations, development of a C++ class design, implementation in C and FORTRAN.


Hardware and Software Development, Institute for System Control Engineering, Universität Stuttgart. Subjects: Developing a C++ class design and a Turbo-C and Turbo-PASCAL interface and implementation for the movement control of optical periphery, an I/O library extension for the C micro-compiler of an embedded processor, and a VAX to ANSI FORTRAN 77 cross-complier.


Distinguished at the National Polytechnical Mathematics Competition « Traian Lalescu », Iasi, Romania, 1st place, mark 39.50 of 40.00, mark of 2nd place 36.00.


Admitted at the Faculty for Automatics and Computers, Bucharest Politechnics University, Romania, place 3 of 200, mark 9.5 of 10.0.


Graduated from the National College « Gheorghe Lazar », Bucharest, Romania.


Selected into the National Olympic Mathematics Team, Bucharest, Romania.


Natural Languages: command of Romanian, English, German, French; comprehending Italian, Spanish.

Programming Languages: experience in MATLAB, C/C++, Java, Smalltalk, TeX/LaTeX.

Formal Languages: expertize in Discrete/Continuous Dynamics & Optimization, Symbolics & Numerics,

Algorithmics & Programming; Serialization & Concurrency, Computation & Communication,

Intelligence & Interaction, Syntax/Semantics of Processes & Transactions; Matrices & Graphs.




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