Name: Dr. Dan TEODOSIU Birth:
1964, Bucharest, Romania Degrees: Ph.D. Dipl.-Informatiker Dipl.-Mathematiker Citizenship: Romanian,
ex-German since 2016, ex-French
since 2021 Address: Strada Washington nr. 23, parter, apartament 1, sector
1, 011793 BUCURESTI, Romania, Europe Fixed:
+40 (0) two one two 309330 (Orange Romania) Mobile:
+40 (0) seven six three
035602 (TeleKom Romania) Email:
Net: (located in Romania) |
2017-present |
Financial Investor. Participating at
estate and fund investments on capital and credit in Bucharest & Romania. |
2006-2017 |
System and Software Consulting, Paris & Bucharest. Subjects:
Advanced techniques for Sparse or Structured Systems of Equations in INTEL/MKL,
Advanced vectorization and parallelization using the Finite Element Method
library ABAQUS. Commissioners in Japan: ASTOM and NSC. |
2012 |
PhD in Computer Science, summa cum laude, Université Paris 6 & 7 (Curie & Diderot),
Laboratoire d’Informatique Algorithmique: Fondements
et Applications (LIAFA). Subject: ‘A
Truly Concurrent Semantics for Processes sharing Quantified Resources’. |
2003-2006 |
European Financial Investing, Paris & Bucharest.
Programming, planning and supervising from France
real estate investments on capital and credit in Romania. |
2001-2004 |
Geostrategic Studies, Paris & Bucharest. Developing an overview of the political,
historical, economical, financial, psychological and computational implications of the new
millennium. |
1997-2001 |
Research and Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Computer Science,
Université Paris 7. Model Checking,
Distributed systems, Algorithmics and Architecture of Parallel Systems,
Formal Languages, Advanced Algorithmics, C/C++ Programming, Introduction to
Computer Science. |
1994-1997 |
System and Software Development, Chantilly. Subjects: Designing and implementing an object based
extension for the procedural language MATLAB 4.2 on dual-boot Windows and
Linux systems accessing common data and applications, as well as engineering
applications interacting through event-driven Graphical User Interfaces and
extending the Toolboxes for Signal Processing, Optimization, Splines,
Interpolation, Approximation and 2D & 3D Graphics. Commissioners
in France: Renault Rechérche Innovation, Peugeot-Citroën and Eurocopter/EADS. |
1994-1997 |
Governmental Researcher employed by the Ministry of
Education and Research of the French Government at Laboratoire
d’Informatique Théorique
et Programmation (LITP), Université Paris 6.
Subject: ‘Resource Traces: A Domain for Processes sharing Exclusive
Resources’. |
1993-1994 |
Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Computer Science,
Universität Stuttgart. Numerics, Algorithmics,
Discrete Mathematics. |
1993 |
Master in Computer Science, Universität Stuttgart, summa cum laude, mark 1.3 of 1.0 |
1993 |
Master in Mathematics, Universität Stuttgart, summa cum laude with distinction, mark 1.1 of 1.0 |
1993 |
Master Thesis in
Mathematics and Computer Science, Universität Stuttgart, mark 1.0 of 1.0. Subject: ‘Bereichstheoretische
Eigenschaften komplexer Spuren’. |
1990 |
Scientific Software Development, Grenoble University,
Laboratoire des Propriétés Mécanique et Thermodynamiques
des Matériaux (LPMTM). Subject:
Optimizing Gradient Method Solvers for FEM Simulations, development of a C++
class design, implementation in C and FORTRAN. |
1987-1991 |
Hardware and
Software Development, Institute for System Control Engineering, Universität Stuttgart.
Subjects: Developing a C++ class design and a Turbo-C and Turbo-PASCAL
interface and implementation for the movement control of optical periphery, an I/O library extension for the C micro-compiler of an
embedded processor, and a VAX to ANSI FORTRAN 77 cross-complier. |
1983 |
Distinguished at the National Polytechnical
Mathematics Competition « Traian Lalescu »,
Iasi, Romania, 1st
place, mark 39.50 of 40.00, mark of 2nd place 36.00. |
1982 |
Admitted at the Faculty for Automatics and
Computers, Bucharest Politechnics University,
Romania, place 3 of 200, mark 9.5 of 10.0. |
1982 |
Graduated from the National College « Gheorghe
Lazar », Bucharest, Romania. |
1981 |
Selected into the National Olympic Mathematics Team, Bucharest, Romania. |
Natural Languages: command of Romanian, English, German, French;
comprehending Italian, Spanish. Programming Languages: experience in MATLAB, C/C++, Java, Smalltalk, TeX/LaTeX. Formal Languages: expertize in
Discrete/Continuous Dynamics & Optimization, Symbolics & Numerics, Algorithmics & Programming; Serialization &
Concurrency, Computation & Communication, Intelligence & Interaction, Syntax/Semantics of
Processes & Transactions; Matrices & Graphs. © Dan TEODOSIU |